I started photographing at night a few years ago and got so into it that I did it with increased regularity. It is completely different than “daylight-photography”. At night you have to be much more careful and you act calmer and more reverent with your camera when on the go.

In addition there is this feeling of being not alone. Especially when you are in the wild as for instance in the Canadian Rocky Mountains you never are really alone. There is a rustling all the time, sometimes you even hear the cry of wolves or other sounds in the nature. You always stay alert. Maybe this is what makes these trips so fascinating.

I get overwhelmed by the photos every time as the human eye cannot absorb as much light as a camera sensor and therefore the pictures show you even more stunning views than you enjoyed in person.

You can take pictures of the Milky Way or other outlines in the night sky you would not see with bare eyes.

I cannot compare photography, hiking or just being in the nature under the night sky with anything else. Every time, there is something different. It is deceleration in a pure form. It reduces any negative vibes.

… It is magical.