Of the four elements known in the west, every single one unfolds its magic in a unique and special way. Mostly we feel gravitated especially by one of them. In my case that element is water, which always flows like a red string through life with me and guides my path. Water beguiles me in all of its forms and occurrences: The strong and steady rush of a waterfall, the smooth surface of fresh waters that mirrors the nature, the roughness and power of stormy seas or the quiet clearness of ice. Sometimes I unconsciously plan my paths and hikes next to waters of all sorts. I enjoy the stimulating and honest smell of sea air and love the feeling of clear water on my skin. There is a sense of belonging together and although the path can be rough sometimes, I will always find my way back to the waters. :)
My name is Kimberly Karisch, I am 24 years old and I come from beautiful Salzburg in Austria. I try to visit and see the surrounding nature as often as possible and have been photographing my adventures for about ten years already to share these great moments with the society and my fellow human beings. When I go hiking with friends, my dog and my camera I can really enjoy the vast peace of nature. Due to my multicultural roots I often feel the need to travel far and I feel like my wanderlust never fades, but in the end I will always come back to my homeland mountains.
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Hello Nature-Lover!
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