Hello dear friends of nature! Who hasn't ever wished to be able to fly like a bird? See the world from above? Enjoy the peace in the air?
That's exactly what we thought when we drove to Zermatt in Switzerland. Looking at the mountains from above with our own eyes. That's why we decided to take a little adventure - a paragliding jump right below the Matterhorn.
Paragliding definitely is a special sport. Up in the air, there are only a few rules left. Mentally, a paragliding jump is a big challenge, because in the air, you are responsible for yourself. Your own mistakes are your own mistakes up there - with all their consequences.
With these thoughts in mind, we climbed the mountain up to the starting point. I have to admit that some decisions in life require a bit of courage and madness. Our innate fear often holds us back from many things in life - the fear would prefer sitting on the couch at home and experiencing nothing that could possibly be dangerous. That's why it's important for me to overcome my own fear every now and then and try something new.
Said and done, with wobbly legs, the jump went flawlessly. I can't put the feeling to be in the air and to see everything from above into words, it was wonderful to see the Zermatt valley and the Matterhorn from above. The pictures speak for themselves!
Since this day, I have taken it as my goal to consciously overcome my own fear and try something new. Whether it's ordering something unknown in a restaurant, learning a new language or trying out a new sport. Because it is this versatility that makes life so special :)
Hello Nature-Lover!
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